
  • Amit Kumar Yadav doctoral thesis in the area of operations and supply chain management at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee focuses on the issues of sustainable vaccine supply chain in the Indian context. To model these issues and their solutions, he explored a number of operation management/research and supply chain tool and techniques. He holds an M.Tech in Industrial Management from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, where he studied and compared the supply chain efficiencies of various production systems.

    He has published papers in international reputed journals like International Journal of Production Economics (ABDC A, IF = 11.251), International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (ABDC B) and Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ABDC C). He is serving as a reviewer in reputed journals such as Business Strategy and Environment, Australian Journal of Management and Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

research overview

  • His area of research is sustainability in humanitarian organization, healthcare supply chain, lean, green, and multi criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques.

full name

  • Amit Kumar Yadav

primary email

  • amitk[dot]yadav[@]jgu[dot]edu[dot]in