
  • Dr. Jadumani Mahanand is trained in Political Science. He holds doctorate in political science from the Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He obtained M.A and M. Phil degrees in Political Science, from the department of Political Science University of Hyderabad. He was a DAAD visiting research scholar to Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, Oct-December 2016.

research overview

  • Jadumani is working on a book project on “Ambedkar’s Philosophy of Recognition”. This research explores the possibility of a distinctive theory that can respond to a long debate on the question of identity of caste, class, and gender. Presently, he is working on Idea of Anti-Caste Theory. He has published in peer-reviewed journals and edited books.

full name

  • Jadumani Mahanand

primary email

  • jmahanand[@]jgu[dot]edu[dot]in