
  • Passionate researcher with around 4 years of teaching experience in international development, gender, sustainable development and development economics & public policy. Experienced in teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students including supervision of capstone projects. Have 18 years of industry experience as senior consultant in livelihoods and skills development, sustainable business development, poverty alleviation, agribusiness and other gender and economic development projects in South Asian countries. It involved research led business consultancy, co-creation and project management while working with different government, non-governmental international organisations, business and corporate bodies. Regular contributor of conference presentations and other public and media engagement including Op-Ed, viewpoints and opinion.

teaching overview

  • At JSGP, she teaches Sustainable Development Goals.

education and training

  • Ph.D. in Development Economics, Oxford Brookes University , Oxford Brookes Business School, Mining led industrialisation and gender-based violence within indigenous communities in Odisha, India 2016 -
  • M.A. in Gender and Development, University of Sussex , Gender Studies, Women, Environment and Livelihood: the relationships and interactions of tribal Women in Orissa, India 2005 - 2006
  • B.A. in Economics, Sambalpur University 1990 - 1993

full name

  • Geeta Sinha

primary email

  • gsinha@jgu.edu.in
  • Contact Info