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Prateek, Satya



  • Prof. Satya Prateek holds a B.A. LLB (Hons) from The National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata and an LLM from University of California, Berkeley. Before coming to Jindal, Satya has clerked at the Supreme Court of India and worked as a Research Associate at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi with its President, the political theorist Pratap Mehta.

research overview

  • His academic interests lie in public law and political philosophy and especially around contestations over constitutionalism and equality in India. His current research focuses on two areas :

    • Jurisprudential and policy debates within the framework of India’s expansive affirmative action program, in particular on the politics of classification and measuring backwardness .
    • Means and Ends in Constitutional Law, specifically on the relationship between ideology and processes in constitution and the use of amendments to neutralize court judgments. Satya also serves on the Graduate Advisory Board of the Journal of Indian Law and Society, a peer-reviewed journal on the intersection of law and social sciences in India.

full name

  • Satya Prateek

primary email

  • sprateek[@]jgu[dot]edu[dot]in