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Roy, Subaran



Research Areas/ Teaching Areas Research areas/Teaching areas



  • Dr Subaran Roy completed his PhD in Economics from Louisiana State University in 2008. He holds an M.A. degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University in International Economics and a B.Sc. in Economics from Calcutta University. He has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in various countries including the USA and the Middle East both at bachelor’s and master’s degree levels. His teaching portfolio includes a range of courses delivered in the field of economics, statistics and finance.


    His research interests include but are not limited to economic growth, international finance, trade, weightless economy, technology diffusion and applied econometrics. His research applies leading-edge (empirical) methods to examine substantively important economic phenomena and has significantly contributed to the relevant literature through well recognized international peer-reviewed journals. His current research involves the much-debated topics of convergence and public debt & its role on economic growth. He has also developed an interest in conducting research on the Indian economy primarily in the context of growth, public debt and inequality.

teaching overview

  • He has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in various countries, including the USA and the Middle East, with bachelor’s and master’s degrees. His teaching portfolio includes a range of courses delivered in the field of economics, statistics and finance.

full name

  • Subaran Roy

primary email

  • subaran[@]jgu[dot]edu[dot]in