
  • I am an environmentalist by training with background in geology. I explore the nature-human connect, by integrating process-level research with geospatial modeling and socio-ecological aspects, across space-time continuum. I particularly interested in understanding emerging issues that threatens the notion of sustainability in developing economies, such as water scarcity and contamination; air pollution related public health hazards in post-SARS-CoV-2 era; irrigation shortage, food-income insecurity and farmers’ plight; land degradation and desertification, to name a few.

    A main emphasis of my research lies in assessing impacts of climatic anomalies on the above and how best the regional and national authorities can devise preemptive action. For the latter, I advocate participatory framework, especially, focusing on women’s roles in environmental initiatives. To that end, I am interested in exploring opportunities of strategic community mobilization to devise sustainable solutions. I am the founder and co-director of research a center namely, Center for Environment, Sustainability and Human Development (CESH), which engages student and faculty across the campus and outside on projects at the intersect of environment, ecology, social, political, economic and gender dimensions of sustainability science and policy making.

research overview

  • Her area of research includes every aspect of environment sciences and studies that looks into the nature-human connect with the goal of advancing our current understanding of sustainability science, especially for the developing economies. To that end, I approach environmental systems, across a wide spectrum of space-time continuum, to understand ecosystem degradation at process-level and impacts on local communities (for example, resource wars, income depreciation and livelihood loss, inequity, gender discrimination etc.), that will help in smart decision making.   

full name

  • Sriroop Chaudhuri

primary email

  • schaudhuri[@]jgu[dot]edu[dot]in