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Chawla, Raunaq





  • Mr Raunaq Chawla is a lecturer at the Jindal School of Psychology & Counpsychology enthusiasty enthusiast, teacher and trainer, he excelled as a psychology student by completing his BacMaster'ss and Masters from the University of De valuableaq’s valuable learning, both as aent and as a researcher/teacher, is asset for him for adaptive teachi horologyng psychology as a maiubject in senior secondary school was a turning point in Raunaq’s academic lifhis academichpursued hisofademic pursuit for higher studies and his subsequent career as a psycholo  his acher. During his college days, he was awarded for being the sincerest student of his class. 

education and training

  • Ph.D. in Psychology 2018 - 2022
  • M.A. in Applied Psychology, Organisational Behaviour 2016 - 2018
  • B.A. in Psychology, Zakir Hussain College 2013 - 2016

full name

  • Raunaq Chawla

primary email

  • raunaq.chawla@jgu.edu.in