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Jayaraj, Rama



Research Areas/ Teaching Areas Research areas/Teaching areas


  • Professor Rama Jayaraj is Research Professor at the Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences (JIBS) of O.P. Jindal Global University and Clinician-Scientist. He has peer-reviewed 200 publications including 100 first and 80 corresponding authors in prestigious and peer-reviewed journals (Lancet Oncology (Impact factor 54·43); Annals of Oncology (Impact Factor: 51.76), Lancet Haematology (Impact factor 30·15), European Heart Journal (Impact Factor. 35.85), Journal of Thoracic Oncology (Impact Factor 15.61) and Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (Impact Factor 2.31)).

    Prof Jayaraj is world renowned expert in Systematic Review (SR), Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA), meta-regression, subgroup analysis, network-centric model analysis (pairwise matrix for quantitative data synthesis and clique centric pattern search using cluster-editing) and coupling random forest analysis.
    He led a team of 7 academics and 13 post-graduate scholars. He has developed the “integrated case-based approach” for Public Health and qualitative research methods. He utilises case-based learning that is an ideal method for popularising clinical and health concepts. This approach is currently working well for mature age student cohorts because of its unique andragogical design. This e-learning approach was the first of its kind in Australia.

    He developed “Screening and Treatment of Alcohol-Related Trauma Brief Interventions trial (START program)” with the Department of Health and “Prevention of Alcohol-related Crime and Trauma (PACT Program)” with the Department of the Attorney-General and Justice.

    His research covers both experimental, clinical and applied sciences, leading to the generation of scientific innovation as well as having the potential for breakthroughs that may save lives.

    He has developed a reputation for my superior research and academic achievement by receipt of many awards: “2015 Pride of Australia-Inspirational Model Medal” and “2014 Ryan Family

    Award for Exceptional Performance in Teaching, Research and Community Engagement” (https://www.cdu.edu.au/newsroom/Rama-POA)

full name

  • Rama Jayaraj

primary email

  • rama.jayaraj[@]jgu[dot]edu[dot]in